Over-Cooking Causes Cancer
Over-Cooking Causes Cancer
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Over-Cooking your foods is a slow way of shortening your life. A recent article discovers startling dangers when foods are cooked at high temperatures. Studies reveal that, "breast and prostate cancers are sharply increased in those who eat heavily cooked meat such as hamburgers(1)".
It is not confined to low quality meat such as ground beef. When any food is cooked above 300 degrees, damaging chemical changes occur. Upon ingesting this chemically altered food, we are exposed to mutagens that effect our DNA by increasing cancer risk. This altered food also causes glycation and inflammation that destroy our body's proteins which leads to premature aging.
If you are skeptical about the proof, please see the life extension reference at the end of the article. This study included over 100 supporting scientific studies. These studies discuss how well done steak, bacon, and hamburgers dramatically increase breast cancer risk. Eating deep fried foods are even worse due to the link to a wide number of cancers. Even over cooking healthy foods like fish, can create a similar danger.
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What to do: This article really woke me up and scared me into changing my cooking routine. The worst methods of cooking are deep frying, oven broiled and pan fried. The best methods are steaming, stewing, poaching and boiling. If you never had steamed fish, it's much moister and cleaner than other methods. It turns out that small changes make all the difference. You can boil eggs in the morning rather than fry them. If you are a big meat eater, consider stewing meats which also makes them very tender and flavorful. Steaming all your veggies also helps keeps the nutrients intact.
Besides cooking better, eating cruciferous vegetables(broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) contain Idole-3-carbinol which offers protection against cancers caused by over cooking. Chlorophyllin, the green pigment from plants, is also another way to mitigate this damaging effect. Chlorophyllin is sometimes sold as an herbal supplement, so be sure you get a high quality product with proper absorption.
A positive attitude about making healthy changes is just part of our lifestyle. I am research driven and absolutely determined to get the best out of life. I've already eliminated foods from my diet like beef, pork, butter, deep fried foods, etc. I figure that it's never too late to get healthier. If that means making behavioral adjustments thought life, I look forward to it. L. Johnson